Week 12 - Net Smart

I'd like to begin this week's reflection by saying that I think this is one of the most important books we've read so far. Howard Rheingold's text is a dense research-filled tome about the various personal, social, psychological and societal impacts of our use of the Internet. His goal is to lay out for us the ways we might become more effective users and participants in the net-saturated world. People used to say things like "get ready, because soon technology will be all around us." Well, I feel strongly that it's time to put adages like that behind us. That time is already here. I'm typing this reflection into a self-publishing platform called blogger, one of the earliest blog platforms that's still going strong at 17 years old - an impressive pedigree for any Internet medium. If Blogger were one of my students, it would be old enough to take its driver's test. As I type this I'm using a Smartphone app called Grubhub to order Chinese ...