"The Villain is the World Itself": An Email From My Brother

Ladies and gentlemen,

I normally don't paste personal correspondence into my blog, but this week my younger brother sent me something very thought provoking. It's an article by Patrick Lee from the A.V. Club. My brother Ben is ten years younger than me, born in 1995, an avid gamer, and about to begin medical school.

Please read the original article he sent me here, and then feel free to read our email exchange below. I realize that my response to him does delve into quite political territory, and my own leanings will be plain as day. But apart from the politics, I think the crux of the matter - Lee's observation about the shift in the content of new video games - is very interesting, Here are the two supporting articles I link to in my email:

Lazy Millennials Won't Buy Cereal

Obama: "You didn't build that without help"


  1. Thanks for sharing, Zack! I agree with you and your brother here. "Millennials are lazy" is such an overused trope. I always have to chuckle when I see someone post a video on Facebook labeled "This Millennial Explains EXACTLY What's Wrong with Her Generation," or something similar. I think if the internet, smart phones, and robots were developed earlier, that generation would be exactly like millennials. It's impossible to not be affected by technology.

    1. I just remind people of the endless cycle of "back in my day" complaining that appears to have gone on throughout recorded time (http://mentalfloss.com/article/52209/15-historical-complaints-about-young-people-ruining-everything sorry- can't seem to hyperlink here). My Baby Boomer teammates love to accuse me of "Millenial" shortcomings but I just remind them I'm the one who comes and fixes their projector on a weekly basis.


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